I dedicate much of my life to readiness and planning. I am proud to be an Eagle Scout, and I attribute my preparedness to living the Scout Motto “Be Prepared.” As the grandson of a dairy farmer and teacher, I understand the importance of the honest management and protection of the rewards of one’s hard work. Professionally, I have more than 20 years of comprehensive legal experience and concentrate my practice in estate planning and business counseling. I can help you overcome the obstacles preventing you from protecting the legacy of your life’s work by starting or updating your estate plan.
Are you a good planner? Too many people put off estate planning or think they are not rich enough to worry about having an “estate.” According to a 2016 Gallop poll, only 44% of Americans say they have a will that describes how they would like their money and estate handled after their death.
In this blog I will explain the basics of estate planning (e.g. What is a Living Will?), highlight common pitfalls, and even throw in some compelling celebrity stories (Aretha Franklin had no will!). Each month I will focus on a different element of estate planning starting with the importance of fundamental documents like a will, power of attorney, and living will. My hope is that you find my articles full of easy-to-understand explanations and sound solutions. Please feel free to call or email me with any topics about which you have questions. I can be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 215-997-7149.
I truly take pride in helping individuals and businesses protect their assets for generations to come. Let me help you make a plan.
Michael F. Frisbie practices law at Pritchard Law Offices in Colmar focusing in business transactions, trusts and estates, and litigation. Mike received his Estate Planning Certificate from the Temple University Beasley School of Law, his Juris Doctor from Rutgers University School of Law, and his Bachelor of Arts from The Pennsylvania State University.